Creating a new column

You can create a new column inside the contact database to display the information fetched from the customer.

  1. Go to Contact.

  2. Click on the Columns icon.

  3. Click Add fields.

  4. Add a name inside the Name field.

  5. Specify the type of data that needs to be captured:

    • TextIf you select this option, the field will accept only alphanumeric values.

    • Number: If you select this option, the field will accept only numbers.

    • Date: If you select this option, the field will accept only the date format.

  6. Specify the kind of field in the chat widget

    • Generic: If you select this option, the value needs to be entered from the member side in the conversation detail pane, and the question won't be displayed in the chat widget

    • Pre-chat Question: If you select this option, the question will be displayed in the chat widget before initiating the conversation.

    • Post chat Question: If you select this option, the question will be displayed in the chat widget after ending the conversation.

  7. Click on save changes.